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Craft fair

My first craft fair approaches. I've been crocheting for years, producing baby garments for my children and grandchildren, lovely colourful blankets, and bits and bots for the house and gifts for friends but I am running out of space and have such a large stash of items that I've decided to try to sell some.

The first hurdle I've run into is what to charge. Quite honestly, I have no idea. If I were to price the materials, the equipment, the hours it takes to produce an items, prepare and label them for sale, the cost would be far above what people are prepared to pay. There is a demand among crafters not to undercharge as this will devalue crafts and put people out of business, but if I charge too much I run the risk of putting myself out of business before I have begun.

So, I have been surfing the crochet forums and websites, checking on Etsy to see what other people ask for their work. Some of it seems way too much and some of it too cheap so I will hopefully find a happy medium, a price that will encourage buyers and enable to me to cover the costs of my yarn. With any luck I might even sell one or two pieces.

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